Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We have lift off!

Harvey started pulling himself up to a standing position tonight- very exciting!

Lil Brandon

H looks most like Bran when he wakes up. I call him Lil Brandon when I see him every morning. Such a sweetie! His morning personality is all me - sunny and happy to be awake.

Monsieur Lou Loup keeps him company in his crib.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Clap Happy

Our new toy

Flu shot

When I was a kid, older than H is now, I remember fighting off getting shots as hard as I could. I would kick and scream and they'd have to bring the nurse in to hold me down. Not H though. Kid's a champ. Got a flu shot today. No tears, no crying, not even a whimper.

Also got to try out the jogging stroller L bought a few weeks ago. The over-sized wheels are great for getting over the curbs and snowbanks. Definitely easier to get around than our other stroller, which I'm also generally pleased with.

Are you awake yet?

Hmm...so Bran had plans to sleep in this morning because he is working late tonight. I did my part by being quiet and driving myself to work. Not sure that H will cooperate though- I saw his little nose pressed against the crib this morning as I crept out.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We have a blog? Yikes!

Wasn't expecting this really. The invitation just popped into the inbox. Hello and welcome. Today, my pal Cole came over for lunch. We had an Italian Easter thing with pasta, ham, tomato sauce, wine, ricotta and hard provolone. But he also brought his saxophone because I'd never seen it. He played it some. H was completely transfixed. It even distracted him from his butternut squash, which has never happened before.

Unfortunately, since I was feeding H, I didn't grab the camera. So this story will just have be unillustrated. I promise to do better next time. When it happened, I didn't know I had a blog.


So....we are blogging now.  We have lots of photos and videos that we want to share with family and friends. H does cute stuff daily and now there is a forum for all that cuteness.  Sometimes, Bran has opinions about stuff (mostly food) so he may add that too.

I am a Monster and I will have your ankles for breakfast