Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A First for Daddy!

Bran gave H his bath tonight for the first time. Both boys had a good time and there were no injuries to report.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Amazing Baby!

H used his spoon to feed himself cheerios tonigh. Very impressed

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Toy Pt. 2

Harvey tries out his scooter, fresh from his nap. He gives it a good review.

New Toy!

Harvey is so excited about this scooter his parrain gave him, he has to content himself with playing with the one spinning wheel while his parents assemble the rest of it.

Unfortunately, he wound up taking a nap before we finished with it, so we'll have to wait for later before he tries it out.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Baby's 1st Indian buffet

Harvey's favorites include chana masala, saag paneer and the mango lhassi.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy First Birthday!

I guess it's ok to try grandpa's margarita... It is his birthday...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Visiting with Pup Pup

Pup came for a visit and gave Harvey a percussion set for his birthday. It was an excellent early present and Harvey and Mommy have a little family band now. Our band is all percussion: maracas, castanets, a drum, triangle and xylophone.  We can turn any song into a percussive masterpiece! So far, Daddy and our neighbors are the only audience, but with a little more practice, we should be ready for a concert in the park soon. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Birthday Party Planning

Nothing like planning a party to make Mama feel inadequate. Oh well, I will soldier least I have a theme: Yo Gabba Gabba! The cake will be from Publix so that takes a lot of the stress away, but it still needs a little something extra. I am trying to be creative.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shhh....Don't Tell Harvey

But, I think I have found his first birthday present from Mommy and Daddy:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bunny Love

Our visit to the Easter Bunny went even better than expected. As soon as Harvey saw the bunny up close, he started his high pitched squeal "heeeeeeeeee!" Whenever we hear that sound, we know that H has spotted an animal. The Mall of America Easter Bunny counted as real animal for H and he was very happy to sit on his lap, pull his hair and attack his glasses. Every one at work asked me- was he scared? Nope.

Harvey looked adorable in his sailor suit (Thanks, Sugar!) and attracted women all over the mall. Judging from our experience with the bunny- H may be headed towards a career as a veterinarian or an old-timey sailor. I am hoping for old-timey sailor.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Farm babies!

Lindsey pitched me on a trip to the zoo earlier this week after seeing H lose his mind over a commercial for the farm babies. It's a month-long exhibition at the Minnesota Zoo and it's all farm babies: chickens, sheep, pigs, cows and goats. Especially goats, because they let kids walk right up and pet them. Even kids as young as Harvey.

Normally, I dislike zoos and trips to visit them. And today was no exception. But once I pushed the stroller all the way to the back of the zoo to the exhibit (and I mean ALL the way to the back), and saw H squeal over those goats, it was all worth it.

Kid seriously lost his mind.

Later, we took him back for a 2nd visit with the goats and caught the attention of a medium-sized black one. H grabbed a tiny fistful of hair on his back and tried to climb on. In return, he nibbled H's hand. Neither seemed to mind the other very much. In fact, if either of them had much of a memory, they might have even become pals.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today, H spends his first afternoon with our new PT nanny, Alex. I am sure he is having a grand time, but I am nervous. On my watch this weekend, H had a scratched face, bump to the cheek and a run-in with ole, grumpy cat- I don't think that Alex can do worse. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Saturday

Saturday has meant no nap but a nice trip to the liquor store where we made friends with the owner. Discussed how large Harvey is for his age, had a nice time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Get up, stand up.

This is a too-long, badly blocked, poorly shot video of H standing up. Sorry.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I like being chased by Daddy

Our new favorite toy is the cat water fountain. Daddy has spent all evening retrieving H from the fountain.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We have lift off!

Harvey started pulling himself up to a standing position tonight- very exciting!

Lil Brandon

H looks most like Bran when he wakes up. I call him Lil Brandon when I see him every morning. Such a sweetie! His morning personality is all me - sunny and happy to be awake.

Monsieur Lou Loup keeps him company in his crib.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Clap Happy

Our new toy

Flu shot

When I was a kid, older than H is now, I remember fighting off getting shots as hard as I could. I would kick and scream and they'd have to bring the nurse in to hold me down. Not H though. Kid's a champ. Got a flu shot today. No tears, no crying, not even a whimper.

Also got to try out the jogging stroller L bought a few weeks ago. The over-sized wheels are great for getting over the curbs and snowbanks. Definitely easier to get around than our other stroller, which I'm also generally pleased with.

Are you awake yet? Bran had plans to sleep in this morning because he is working late tonight. I did my part by being quiet and driving myself to work. Not sure that H will cooperate though- I saw his little nose pressed against the crib this morning as I crept out.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We have a blog? Yikes!

Wasn't expecting this really. The invitation just popped into the inbox. Hello and welcome. Today, my pal Cole came over for lunch. We had an Italian Easter thing with pasta, ham, tomato sauce, wine, ricotta and hard provolone. But he also brought his saxophone because I'd never seen it. He played it some. H was completely transfixed. It even distracted him from his butternut squash, which has never happened before.

Unfortunately, since I was feeding H, I didn't grab the camera. So this story will just have be unillustrated. I promise to do better next time. When it happened, I didn't know I had a blog.


So....we are blogging now.  We have lots of photos and videos that we want to share with family and friends. H does cute stuff daily and now there is a forum for all that cuteness.  Sometimes, Bran has opinions about stuff (mostly food) so he may add that too.

I am a Monster and I will have your ankles for breakfast